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  1. Performance “PUTEKĻI” (2024)

    “PUTEKĻI” ir Aijas Bley performance, kuras laikā, top lielformāta grafikas darbs, kas meditatīvā formā liek domāt par cilvēka brīvās gribas un laika attiecībām. Performance norisinājās Rīgas Performances festivāla "Starptelpa" ietvaros Rīgas cirkā 01.06.2024

    "DUST" is a performance by Aija Bley, during which a large-scale graphic work is created that meditatively reflects on the relationship between human free will and time. The performance took place as part of the Riga Performance Festival "Starptelpa" in Riga Circus 01.06.2024

  2. Foto: I. Balode. Aijas Bley performance “Putekļi”. Festivāls “Starptelpa”. Rīgas cirkā 01.06.2024/ Photo: I.Balode. Aija Bley's performance “Dust" in Riga Performance festival Starptelpa Riga circus - Latvia on 01.06.2024

    Foto: I. Balode. Aijas Bley performance “Putekļi”. Festivāls “Starptelpa”. Rīgas cirkā 01.06.2024/

    Photo: I.Balode. Aija Bley's performance “Dust" in Riga Performance festival Starptelpa Riga circus - Latvia on 01.06.2024